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Stories of ordinary coronavirus chaos on the Brenner border between Italy and Austria. On the A22, one of the main connection arteries on wheels from the Belpaese to the North, up to 90 kilometers of tail formed between Bolzano and the border d ... [больше...]
Effective 22 November 2016, Accreditation Services International (ASI) has lifted the suspension of the certification body Quality Austria Trainings-, Zertifizierungs- und Begutachtungs GmbH (Quality Austria ... [больше...]
Germany imports more Oak lumber again. After declining figures in the first half of 2011, deliveries rose in August. The eight month period of January to August now show an increase of 4 ... [больше...]
In October 2011, Oak lumber exports of German sawmills persisted unchangingly weak. Only the calculated values improved by over 11%. With a volume of 664 cubic meters the lowest amount so far this year was delivered to China ... [больше...]
In May 2011, Germany's Oak lumber imports were 15.5% down from the reference month last year. For the period of January to May 2011, imports showed just a small increase of 1 ... [больше...]
In April, the exports of German Oak logs ranged more than 50% below the previous year. For the period of the first four months, exports were about a third less than in the same period of 2011 ... [больше...]
Hardwood sawyers in Germany report a good supply with Oak logs. Log amounts had been offered until late summer. One cause may have been good logging conditions from the end of January 2011 ... [больше...]
. Without the December values the US close the White Oak year with a 5.7% decline in volume. The average price was at € 598 /m³.
For the most important suppliers of European Oak the following average prices ca ... [больше...]
. Non-German speaking parts of Switzerland and Austria were also confronted to this kind of situation. On the other hand, the activity never really stopped in Germany and some shops, such as DIY, were open during the first wave ... [больше...]
Therefore, innovative products were seen such as oak laminates for beams (Florian Legno), Padouk and chestnut laminates from Spain (Siero Lam), super-certified oak and beech panels as from Lamel Legno but also ... [больше...]
Австрийская цена на пеллеты в июне 2024 года снизилась на 0,4 процента по сравнению с предыдущим месяцем. Об этом сообщило ассоциация промышленников Pro Pellets Austria (PPA ... [больше...]
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. In 2019, Danzer shipped products to 76 countries. The top 10 countries accounted for 76% of sales and were, in this order: USA, UK, Germany, Canada, China, Austria, Poland, Mexico, India and Slovakia ... [больше...]
Austria's sawmills are still very well stocked with spruce saw logs. Accordingly, demand was still subdued at the beginning of November 2021 ... [больше...]
Germany's Oak log exports have slowed in April. While export growth in the first Quarter of 2011 was at 18%, the statistics one month later show just an increase of 4 ... [больше...]
The interest of Chinese buyers in Oak from Germany remains at a high level. In June 2011, exports to the People's Republic amounted to over 5,000 cbm, the second highest level of the year ... [больше...]
In September, the pellet price in Austria exceeded the 260 euro mark. So the price is now higher than the peak of last winter. The average price for pellets with six tons delivery volume was in September about 260,80 euros per ton ... [больше...]
In May 2011, Germany's Oak lumber exports to Indonesia are still on the increase, though not as strong as in March and April. Deliveries to the Netherlands rose significantly ... [больше...]
In May 2011, Germany's Oak log exports edged upwards compared to April (+6.6%).
For the major consuming countries the following average prices are calculated from the May figures of Destatis: China € 162/m³ (ø I-V/2011: € 148/m³), Denmark, € 171/m³ (195), ... [больше...]
After months of declines, Germany's Oak lumber exports to the parquet industry of Indonesia recorded an upward trend again. Together with strong increase in shipments to China and to the Netherlands, Indonesia-deliveries arranged for a total increase of 15 ... [больше...]
In the first five months of 2014, Germany's oak lumber exports have increased in volume by 12% as compared to the same period of 2013. Year-to-date exports totaled through May 40,550 cubic meters, while in value the total reached EUR 25,1 million ... [больше...]
In 2010, Germany's Oak log exports increased by 5% to 90,250 m³. The 60% decline of China exports in December has implications for the entire year's balance sheet ... [больше...]
In October Germany's Oak log exports were down 2.8% compared to the reference month last year. For the period of January to September, exports show an increase of 11 ... [больше...]
In January, import statistics shows again normal values for imports from the U.S. in January 2011. In December, statistical artifacts in White Oak deliveries had brought confusion ... [больше...]
The November 2014 price survey conducted by proPellets Austria resulted in an average price of €246.4 (for 6 tonnes purchases), indicating a rather stable trend ... [больше...]