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Доски Средной Плоскости (MDF), Панели Для Обшивки Дверей

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Вид Панели для Обшивки Дверей
Сердцевина Доски средной плоскости (MDF)
Материалы для окончительных робот Резка (материала сердцевины)
Регион Nantong, Jiangsu, China


Объем 1 ft3 Одноразово Конвертировать
Толщина 3; 5 in  Конвертировать
Ширина 740; 840; 920 in Конвертировать
Длина 2100 in Конвертировать
Сорт Good
Door Skin Mold First Installation and Treatment: In case of new pairs door skin mold uses for the first time, should use clean gauze, dipped in detergent diluted with hot water, clean the surface, pitch of plate, rinse, wipe off the water stains, and air.

1. It is better to have plate clamp with slot on the suspension device which is convenient to adjust the position so as to maintain the shape and flatness of mold.
2. The cushion pad should be laid flat and not deformed.
3. Avoid falling into lubricant and debris during mounting.
4. If a tension device is used, the expansion factor should be in consideration.
Pretreatment process
In order to achieve perfect lamination effects, we suggest adaptive pretreatment due to door skin press performance, pressure, and lamination process variety, it has been verified a good result under our years experiments and research.
1. When the mold is first used, the surface is coated with a release agent or special silicon oil. Under repeated temperature changes, the release agent can penetrate into the capillary pores of plate to form a kind of meticulous and strong membrane film on top of mold surface.
2. Put 2 or 3 pieces of white paper, in the middle of it, put 4 or 6 pieces of kraft paper. All these papers are non-impregnated to avoid glue resin cured onto mold when press is open without pressure.
3. Closing hot press without pressure, increasing press plate temperature in turn of 30℃-60℃ -90℃-60℃-120℃-90℃-150℃ up to max. operating temperature, repeating the turn after 20minutes, then cooling temperature by air naturally. Applying pressure at about 20~30kg/c㎡ in this repeating temperature and steady pressure, it keeps press mold surface structure flat and bevel corner easier to release melamine paper without broken, last long operation precious without brightness variety.
4, In real door skin manufacturing, we suggest two steps process, that is special thin MDF get mark in mold press firstly, then lay melamine paper for second curing finishing.

Цена и условия

Стоимость Под заказ EUR за ft3 Конвертировать
Инкотермы FOB - свободный борт Страна Китай Регион Nantong Jiangsu
Продает в: По всему миру


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